Don't Wait to Have Your Hand Pain Checked Out

Don't Wait to Have Your Hand Pain Checked Out

Hello everyone! I hope that this message reaches you and finds you well and pain free!

Daniel R Lygrisse DO, MA
Daniel R Lygrisse

However, that isn’t always the case. Many people experience debilitating pain every day. Others deal with an ache or a numb set of fingers that just won’t go away. Since I came into town I have been very excited to see the great number of people I can help with a multitude of simple and complex problems. Some of my patients have even told me that they were previously referred all the way to Chicago for common hand problems that I can take care of right here in Decatur!

Do you have…

  • Arthritis that has destroyed your hands?
  • Fingers that are crooked or just don't move like they used to?
  • Does your thumb hurt so much that you don’t even eat pickles anymore?

There are amazing things that can be done both surgically and non-surgically to make your life better and even correct deformity! Some of my favorite surgeries are joint replacements in the wrist, hand and fingers. I love them so much because they provide the patient with an amazing amount of relief. Nothing is better than a happy, grateful and enthusiastic patient. Secondarily, I love the surgery! They are elegant and effective procedures that just make sense.

If you would like to get your hands checked out give us a call and set up an appointment, I would love to meet you and give you the best care possible!

Almost forgot! Did you know that carpal tunnel syndrome affects approximately 4-10 million Americans at any given time? Did you also know that surgery is outpatient and takes about 5 minutes of operative time? Also, if you have surgery earlier in the progression of symptoms you will have a faster return to normal. The biggest thing that I can convey to my patients, friends, and family is don’t wait too long. Unfortunately, if you wait until you are having weakness and you are starting to lose muscle mass, it is rare that it will ever come back. So if your hands and fingers are always going to sleep and your sleeping tingling hands are keeping you from doing the same (sleeping). Give me a call and experience what I can offer you at the DOC.

Again, I hope that all of you are well, healthy and pain free.

Daniel R Lygrisse DO, MA

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